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Click the refresh button on your internet address bar or press the F5 key to clear the calculator.
Enter your data separately for each tax lot (i.e. purchase date):
Name of GM bond or note that you owned prior to bankruptcy:

Cusip identifier
Par value per bond or unit for this cusip $
New GM common stock exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 4/21/11
Series A $10.00 warrant exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 4/21/11
Series B $18.33 warrant exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 4/21/11
New GM common stock exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 7/27/11
Series A $10.00 warrant exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 7/27/11
Series B $18.33 warrant exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 7/27/11
New GM common stock exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 10/25/11
Series A $10.00 warrant exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 10/25/11
Series B $18.33 warrant exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 10/25/11
GUC trust units exchange ratio per $1,000 bond par value 6/25/12
Date you acquired the GM bond (also known as your tax lot)
Total par value of all GM bonds or units owned for this tax lot $
(no commas)
Total purchase cost of GM bonds for this tax lot, including commissions
and fees but excluding accrued interest at purchase date
(no commas)

Enter number of units of new securities and cash in lieu that you received for this tax lot:
Number Received
(no commas)
Cash in lieu of
fractional shares
New GM common shares
4/21/2011 none
7/27/2011 $
10/25/2011 $
Series A $10.00 warrants expiring 7/10/2016
4/21/2011 none
7/27/2011 $
10/25/2011 $
Series B $18.33 warrants expiring 7/10/2019
4/21/2011 none
7/27/2011 $
10/25/2011 $
GUC Trust units
6/12/2012 $
10. Did you exercise the Series A $10.00 warrants for this tax lot?
11. Did you exercise the Series B $18.33 warrants for this tax lot?
Account number or owner name (optional)