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Enter your data separately for each tax lot (i.e. purchase date): |
1. Name of donee (gift recipient) |
2. Name of donor (the person who gave you the gift) |
3. Name of stock |
4. Date of original acquisition by donor (tax lot) |
5. Date of gift |
6. Number of shares of stock received as a gift |
(no commas) |
7. Donor's cost basis per share immediately prior to the gift, including commissions & fees, adjusted for previous spinoffs, splits, etc |
$ (no commas) |
8. Market value per share on date of gift (average of high and low) |
$ (no commas) |
9. Total amount of gift tax, if any, paid by the donor on Form 709 for this gift |
$ (no commas) |
10. Net amount of gift declared by the donor on Form 709 after exclusions and deductions if gift was made after 1976 and gift tax was paid |
$ (no commas) |
11. Do you still own the shares in this tax lot? |
12. Sale price of stock (per share) if sold |
$ (no commas) |
13. Date of sale |